Year 2003 Winners

Year 2003 Statistics

The Alcazarén Award Program started in 2003-02-07. Of the three categories (Gold, Silver and Bronze), only the Bronze was awarded until 2003-11-01 even if a higher score was achieved, the other two awards were not available until then.

The following are the year 2003 statistics:

A total of 195 applicants distributed as follows: Gold 2, Silver 8, Bronze 52 and no award 133.

Year 2003 statistical chart, if browser's Javascript is enabled (courtesy of AwardStat)


Year 2003 Winners Lists

The following are the Alcazarén year 2003 awards winners lists (62 websites awarded), ordered with the most recent winner first:

Gold Awards List

(for more information about the Gold award winners visit the Hall of Fame)

Date Ctry M Website Comments
2003-11-24 Korea del Sur (South Korea) +++ About Korea. Webmaster's art work, graphic design and photos. A pleasant design, extensive south korean history, detailed information on some cultural themes.
2003-11-01 Portugal +++ Espaço Arte-Surrealismo -cerrada (cosed)-. El surrealismo y sus máximos exponentes. Completa descripción del surrealismo, incluye a Dali, Magritte y Miró, presentación impecable.

Arriba (up)

Silver Awards List

Date Ctry M Website Comments
2003-12-27 Malta (Malta) ++  Speedy Adverts. Products and services portal. Provides a great variety of products and services, a non-profit organization working for Charity and Mission Aids.
2003-12-05 EUA (USA) ++  RDWonline v500 The OmniFireball -cerrada (closed)-. On line work of webmaster Ronald D. Willis. The many activities of Ronald are enumerated and part of his work is included, it ranges from research papers to a digital portfolio.
2003-12-05 Bélgica (Belgium) ++  Tim's Spider Corner. Educational site for spider fans. Refers to bird eating spiders and has interesting sections (e.g. Facts), the design includes sounds perfectly matched.
2003-12-05 Holanda (Netherlands) ++  BV. Lindenheuvel -cerrada (closed)-. Noble art of billiardsports. History of billiard, describing with precision the rules and styles when playing: 8 ball, Pool and Snooker.
2003-12-05 España (Spain) ++  Los Barcos de Eugenio. Colección personal de fotografías de barcos de guerra y aviación naval. La cantidad de fotos e información sobre barcos y aviación naval es exhaustiva, más de 800 páginas en español y en inglés, es de destacar el gran detalle de los datos.
2003-11-24 Reino Unido (United Kingdom) ++  Witheridge-Devon. A Gateway to the Two Moors Way. An English village community website for residents and visitors alike, content with a very pleasant design that includes accessibility aspects for impaired persons.
2003-11-24 Vietnam (Vietnam) ++  Vietnam Pictures -cerrada (closed)-. Best photos for your mind and your eyes. Several graphic artists share their pictures about the Vietnamese country, nature, its rich culture and people.
2003-11-24 Korea del Sur (South Korea) ++  Korean Orchid. Information and photos about Korean orchid and wildflowers. Jin Seok Kim gives us a complete description of the Korean orchids including an extense photo album.

Arriba (up)

Bronze Awards List

Date Ctry M Website Comments
2003-12-27 Turquía (Turkey) + 3dfiction -cerrada (closed)-. Abstract 3D Artworks and Animations. Good artwork, as the webmaster mentions: "...guiding to the people who wants to take a breath out of the system..."
2003-11-01 Brasil (Brasil) + Robatelie -cerrada temporalmente (closed temporarily)-. La página personal del artista brasileño Roberto Thomas Arruda. Roberto comparte con nosotros sus cuadros y fotos, incluye también unos bonitos fractales.
2003-11-01 México (Mexico) + Ciudad de Tula -cerrada (closed)-. Información de la ciudad y municipio de Tula, Tamaulipas, México. Este portal nos informa en detalle, nos cuenta la historia y ofrece a los tultecos un punto de encuentro, muy completo y con muy buen gusto.
2003-11-01 Cánada (Canada) + Coming Up Next -cerrada (closed)-. Movie updates fast and easy. Previews and comments about movies and DVDs. The FAQs clearly explain all the aspects treated, it also has an award for film media websites.
2003-10-08 Francia (France) + Danièle Jaquillard. Original paintings and photographs of a contemporary french artist. Danièle shares with us her appealing paintings and photographs, the website is bilingual with a very nice style.
2003-10-05 Portugal + BigEye Siteport! -cerrada (closed)-. Information about Portugal, city of Chaves and miscellaneous topics. Vitor Oliveira's webpage concisely presents several topics, the site design is of great quality as well as the Award Program that it hosts.
2003-10-05 EUA (USA) + The Motor Sports Forum. The oldest and largest motor sports news wire service. Online since 1979 (Compuserve), provides news and information about motor sports, it also includes very nice pictures.
2003-09-09 Italia (Italy) + BTDesign Art Gallery. Virtual fine arts gallery with permanent and monthly exhibitions. Barbara Tampieri's website shows the path to follow designing virtual art galleries, its awards are highly recognized.
2003-09-09 Sud África (South Africa) + The Best of Cape Town. Information about Cape Town travel, tourism and others. Whoever wants to know about Cape Town has a complete information resource in this website,  very well organized.
2003-09-09 EUA (USA) + Game Theory .net. Eclectic resource for educators and students of game theory. Beyond lecture notes and links to text books, contains interactive applets, games  and a complete game related dictionary.
2003-08-28 EUA (USA) + Jazz Alley XG Midis -cerrada (closed)-. Original XG midis by some of the best XG composers. Many XG original compositions are available. XGs are explained. the presentation and site navigation are very well suited.
2003-08-28 Francia (France) + Club de leones de Marsella. Descripción las actividades del club. Club de opera, Humani Terra, ADOS y "El libro que habla" para ciegos.
2003-08-01 EUA (USA) + The Magic Words. The spellbinding literary witchcraft of Nicole S. Porter. A delightful place to enjoy Nicole's poetry, prose and stories, the website fits nicely with its content.
2003-08-01 Bélgica (Belgium) + Tim's Spider Corner. Educational site for spider fans. Refers to bird eating spiders and has interesting sections (e.g. Facts), the design includes sounds perfectly matched.
2003-07-30 EUA (USA) + Dunbar Central -cerrada (closed)-. Portfolio of David Arthur Dunbar, composer, conductor and photographer. An excellent website with a collection of David's music, photos and wallpapers.
2003-07-30 EUA (USA) + The USS Savage -cancelada (cancelled)-. The USS Savage (DE-386). An extensive and complete history of a WWII destroyer escort ship.
2003-07-05 India (India) + Indian Air Traffic Controllers' Guild -cancelada (cancelled). Aviation scene in India as perceived by the indian air traffic controllers. It provides information about India's air traffic control and also gives to the reader an insight of the the air traffic control service in general.
2003-07-05 Cánada (Canada) + Osgoode Hall. History of a heritage building located in Toronto, Canada. The building description and it's history is shown with a delicate website design environment and in great detail.
2003-06-14 Italia (Italy) + Vicenzo Balsamo -cancelada (cancelled)-. Contemporary Italian artist biography and artwork official website. Balsamo's artistry deserves a quality website as this one is, it provides a complete biography and showcases his painting work since his beginnings.
2003-06-14 EUA (USA) + Chicagology. History of Chicago by Terry Gregory. Interesting history of Chicago and very well presented, in continuous development and deep enough for all of us to enjoy.
2003-06-14 Portugal + A Bússola -cerrada (closed)-. Página dedidada a traducciones de la lengua portuguesa. Con un buen diseño nos introduce al arte de las traducciones y a los requisitos necesarios para su correcta realización.
2003-05-30 Argentina + Sensibility -cerrada (closed)-. Tutorial de Paint Shop Pro y galería de imágenes. Interesante tutorial desarrollados en un entorno que muestra el buen gusto de su autora.
Australia + Father's Home Page. Empirical and hypothetical religious constructs. Father Maximiadis gives an amalgam of the spiritual and secular free from pietism, fundamentalism and sectarianism.
2003-05-30 Jordania (Jordan) + Dr. Najeeb Layyous Page -cancelada (cancelled)-. Infertility, assisted reproduction and endoscopy. Provides Information about infertility and related medical subjects, also includes aspects of Jordan.
2003-05-17 EUA (USA) + Brujah Haven -cerrada (closed)-. Online home of the masquerade character Lady Cinnamin of clan Brujah. Complete with background information for this horror role-playing game.
2003-05-17 Argentina + Hidrodinámica y neumática -cerrada (closed)-. Todo sobre estas materias de la Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay. Información de utilidad para el estudiante de fluidos de potencia, con un diseño elegante y gran parte de la información en ficheros adjuntos.
2003-05-10 EUA (USA) + My Link in Time -cerrada (closed)-. Howe genealogy, genealogy search tips, old occupations. Deep genealogy search up to Howe's 10th generation, provides useful genealogy search tips and links.
2003-05-04 España (Spain) + -cerrada (closed)-. Noticias sobre SETI (búsqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre). Eventos del espacio, científicos y de agencias espaciales. Webcams en observatorios y variados artículos científicos.
2003-04-25 EUA (USA) + The Search Party -cancelada (cancelled)-. Backgrounds and mail stationary. A collection of graphics of several types, the site own design is special in that respect,  the mail stationary works nicely.
2003-04-25 Irlanda (Ireland) + Aspect Ireland -cerrada (closed)-. A view of Ireland through photographs, stories, humor and articles on people. With a good designed site for impaired vision with quality content and nice music, will make you smile.
2003-04-12 Pakistán (Pakistan) + Cerulean Vault CV-X95 -cerrada (closed)-. Award and web designing tools. A website that deserves the award it gives, provides helpful tools to accomplish such difficult task.
2003-04-12 Holanda (Netherlands) + BV. Lindenheuvel -cerrada (closed)-. Noble art of billiardsports. History of billiard, describing with precision the rules and styles when playing: 8 ball, Pool and Snooker.
2003-04-12 Rusia (Russia) + Virtual Matchbox Label Museum. Matchboxes and matchcovers, artwork that reflects history, our likes and dislikes. To this artwork that must of us do not pay much attention to, this museum provides more than 1000 pages exquisitely presented.
2003-04-12 EUA (USA) + In the -cerrada (closed)-. Information about the Columbia river gorge. Regional portal with detailed historical and geographical information, includes live cams to Mount St. Helen and salmons!
2003-04-06 EUA (USA) + Kazakhstan and Adoption. Information about Kazakhstan and international adoption. Detailed information with related links, compiled based on personal experience, offered as a resource for those with the same interest.
2003-04-06 Malta (Malta) + Speedy Adverts. Products and services portal. Provides a great variety of products and services, a non-profit organization working for Charity and Mission Aids.
2003-03-29 Uruguay (Uruguay) + Uruguay -cerrada (closed)-. República Oriental DEL Uruguay (RODELU), amistoso y natural país sudamericano. Describe a Uruguay con gran detalle y dedicación, toca todos los campos, además del tango, un deleite para los aficionados al mismo.
2003-03-29 EUA (USA) + Heppo World. A magical place where all the Heppo's live...Another look at hepatitis C. Heppo's live plus a a wonderful description, approach and attitude in relation with hepatitis C.
2003-03-15 Canadá (Canada) + A Gadzillion Things to Think About. Thousands of humorous and unique questions. A unique place to find all type of questions, very easy navigation with the topics properly distributed, big compilation effort.
2003-03-09 Portugal + Espaço Arte-Surrealismo -cerrada (closed)-. El surrealismo y sus máximos exponentes. Completa descripción del surrealismo, incluye a Dali, Magritte y Miró, una presentación impecable.
2003-03-09 EUA (USA) + The Crystal Sea -cerrada (closed)-. Dedicated to a Inner City Church Bus Route (Ohio, USA). Lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ and to uplift its visitors, well presented and documented (biblical quotations).
2003-03-06 España (Spain) + SETI@home en Astroseti. Búsqueda de patrones inteligentes en señales de radio procedentes del espacio. Sobre SETI@home dispone de información, foros y detalladas estadísticas, enriquecida con artículos y entrevistas sobre astronomía.
2003-03-06 India (India) + Indian MEDLARS Centre -cancelada (cancelled)-. Free access to peer reviewed Indian biomedical literature. Biomedical information with a heavy content and a portal to other resources on the same subject (more than 100).
2003-03-06 EUA (USA) + Texas Precancel Club. A specialized information site for precancel stamp collectors. Handcrafted HTML coding, with easy nongraphical navigation, extensive information, a must see, for precancel stamp collectors.
2003-03-06 Korea del Sur (South Korea) + About Korea. Webmaster's art work, graphic design and photos. A very pleasant design, includes extensive south korean history with detailed information on some cultural themes.
2003-03-06 Italia (Italy) + Diskas's Photos. Fondos para escritorio de Windows de alta definición. Gran calidad y definición de los gráficos, música agradable y una cómoda navegación.
2003-02-22 España (Spain) + Pedrola -cerrado (closed)-. Aragonesa villa de Zaragoza. Descripción detallada en primera persona, incluye temas adicionales relacionados con ella.
2003-02-18 España (Spain) + IscarWeb. Plataforma de comunicación en Internet de Íscar y su comarca. Muy completo y amplio portal, con varios foros, páginas adicionales, etc.
2003-02-17 Argentina + Educación e informática -cerrada (closed)-. La informática como ayuda a otras disciplinas. Gran calidad en la nueva página, todo al servicio del contenido que el título indica, trabajo de una gran profesional.
2003-02-10 España (Spain) + Fotografía digital del arte románico aragonés. Monumentos y rutas románicas. Muy buena muestra con abundantes fotografías del arte románico aragonés, gran conocimiento del tema tratado.
2003-02-09 España (Spain) + Torre de Juan Abad -cancelada (cancelled)-. Su mejor página en la red. Extensa y detallada descripción, interesantes lecturas.
2003-02-09 España (Spain) + Agrupación de premios web en idioma español (APWIE) -cerrada (closed)-. Difundir el idioma español en Internet. En continua evolución, buen diseño, su contenido satisface sobradamente a los usuarios.

Legend: M = Metal, +++ = Gold, ++  = Silver, + = Bronze.
(Flags courtesy of

Note: A rating index requires to explicitely report: There are winners for at least one level or more in every month of this year, except as noted: January.

Arriba (up)