Request Form
Award Request Form
All the form fields must be answered except for the optional field 4 and field 8 (if it is not a re-evaluation). In field 3 there must be a positive answer for the request to be taken into account.
Once the form is revised, send it by hitting the Submit key just once, the transmission will be confirmed by a window change in your browser.
This AP participates in the United Web Site Awards Givers (UWSAG) Seal of Approval (SOA) program.
Winning an Alcazarén AP award qualifies applicants for achieving the Award Sites! (AS!) Hall of Elite, Hall of Quality and Hall or Honor recognitions.
Alternatively, if it is preferred, or if there are problems when sending the previous form, the evaluation request can be submitted e-mailing it to moc.nerazacla@nerazacla with the same information that is requested in the form and equally numbered.
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